Woloszyn’s match exhibition
Today we would like to show you our great opportunity we had to create an “woloszyn match exhibition”. We were glad to cooperate together with “Praskie Centrum Aktywności Kocham Pragę”. ( eng. Prague Activity Center “I love Prague” – This prague is district of Warsaw, not a Czech capitol ;) ).
We were given possibility to talk about history of matches, also about polish history of matches and lastly to talk about our company :)
So what is behind the woloszyn match exhibition?
Firtsly on the July 2023 we were invited and asked to create such exhibition we obviously agreed! We were chosen by them acording to our 30 years of history as a important member of local society. Who in their opinion is top in tha case exports of the personalized matches across Europe and World.
That takes us to middle of September 2023, so to the start of exhibition when for 2 weeks we were open for everyone! Comprared to other exhibtions, our was free to charge. In fact whoever would like not only to see and listen, but also to ask questions or just admire could go in.
We have gave lectures about evolution of matchboxes in our everyday life. Shortly from kitchen purposes then by lightening cigarettes until it’s new main purpose. To light candles and being home decor product as well. Whereas as candle accessory matchboxes are designed to fit the modern standards of candles as an important interior detail and decor.
So the products designed for it are gathered in one place so clients can choose. here
Where to buy?
Furthermore clients can buy ready matches on.
For Poland located clients:
however we have sites for clients from other countries:
Also check us on Amazon
So on we are on Orderchamp
Finaly our products are as wekk available on ankorstore and faire!
Lastly if you are interested in our new products follow us on social media:
Facebook – (polish only)
Instagram – (english only)
And we attach some of our photos from creating an woloszyn match exhibition:
The photos of our team preparing the exhibition :)
And how we were suiting them togheter
And the last touch